Thursday, June 28, 2007
Paeonia lactiflora
Monday, June 25, 2007
Delicate but tough: Paeonia obovata
I was also surprised earlier this year by the flowering of two plants of Paeonia obovata var. alba which were growing in 1-gallon pots (that's supposed to be a transition size for one year only but the transplanting "schedule" went all awry the past few years and a lot of plants are still languishing in the small pots). Due to their location in
Friday, June 22, 2007
More of Paeonia peregrina
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Friday, June 15, 2007
The "Ugly Duckling"
Remember the Hans Christian Anderson tale of the Ugly Duckling, in which a cygnet finds itself somehow in with a brood of ducklings, all of whom mock the cygnet for being ugly? And then one day the cygnet grows up to be a beautiful swan, and all the ducks envy it.
Well, I have a plant from a batch of P mlokosewitschii seed which performs a similar feat each year.
Here it is in bud. A rather humdrum, grubby colour showing. (Ignore the flash of pink on the right margin!)
And here it is the next day, just opened.
Same day, side view of both the flowers the plant had this year. The one on the right is a bit further along than the other. In the background, some normal mlokosewitschii's.
Day 3, and we're starting to see something a bit more exciting developing.
Day 3 still, side view.
And a close-up of the right-hand flower.
Then the weather intervened in the form of a heavy rain and wind-storm overnight. Wretched timing...
So this is day 4, and the right-hand flower has been destroyed.
But the weather was not done yet, and overnight another storm or the same one backtracking (which happens in NS more than one would care to imagine) attacked my peonies.
Day 5, the ragged remnants.
Usually I can expect a flower to last at least a week before it falls apart... Heck, the pollen sacks hadn't even opened yet!
I presume this plant to be a hybrid due to the fading red tones, but for all I know it might also be a natural variation within the species. Foliage is purely mlokosewitschii in form. The seedlot from which it (and the proper yellow one behind it) was grown was collected from my own plant, open-pollinated in my garden with the possibility of P anomala or P veitchii pollen getting involved.
Well, I have a plant from a batch of P mlokosewitschii seed which performs a similar feat each year.
Then the weather intervened in the form of a heavy rain and wind-storm overnight. Wretched timing...
But the weather was not done yet, and overnight another storm or the same one backtracking (which happens in NS more than one would care to imagine) attacked my peonies.
Usually I can expect a flower to last at least a week before it falls apart... Heck, the pollen sacks hadn't even opened yet!
I presume this plant to be a hybrid due to the fading red tones, but for all I know it might also be a natural variation within the species. Foliage is purely mlokosewitschii in form. The seedlot from which it (and the proper yellow one behind it) was grown was collected from my own plant, open-pollinated in my garden with the possibility of P anomala or P veitchii pollen getting involved.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
From the Arctic circle to Northern China
A pair of closely related species which have been open for up to 5 days in various locations (and not yet at all in others) opened today in the datum bed.
The first is Paeonia anomala (this is subsp intermedia which has wider leaf segments), the Anomalous Peony, probably the most cold-hardy of the species as it's natural range runs the entire length of the Ural mountains of Siberia and it has been naturalized into
the Kola Penninsula since about the end of the 1800's. Easy to grow in normal garden conditions and soils, it is adaptable from full sun to the dappled shade of woodland gardens in mixed cover. Indeed its natural environment is in forests and scrub. The species has some variability in the fineness of the leaf segments, and in the colour of the flowers (there is a white-flowered form which I am anxiously awaiting the flowering of); the form most often seen in book photos is narrowly segmented and has dark magenta flowers.
Second is Paeonia veitchii, Veitch's Peony, of late classified as a subspecies of anomala by some Chinese botanists. It has some overlap with the southern end of the range of anomala and extends further south. Flower colour is variable, most of mine are either slightly
paler pink than this plant or a darker pink, but from later seed batches I have been getting plants ranging to dark red. And of course there is a white form which I try to keep the bees from diluting. Leaf variations include shiny smooth leafs to "matte finishes" and veining with an "etched in" appearance. The plant in the photo is from seed from a compact form, but the plant seems about full size in garden conditions.
Veitchii is one of the few species which has more than one flower bud per stem (it has a terminal bud and 1 to 3 pairs of side-buds). Those who seek large flowers can direct more growth energy to the terminal bud by early removal of the sidebuds, whereas those who leave the sidebuds on get to enjoy a succession of smaller flowers over a couple of weeks, extending the bloom period of the plant. This species is equally easy and adaptable as anomala.
These 2 (or 1 if you prefer) were the first species for which I obtained seed and had success with. They used to be my earliest peonies to flower... How naive I was, then. (okay, still am but that's a different story)
Veitchii is one of the few species which has more than one flower bud per stem (it has a terminal bud and 1 to 3 pairs of side-buds). Those who seek large flowers can direct more growth energy to the terminal bud by early removal of the sidebuds, whereas those who leave the sidebuds on get to enjoy a succession of smaller flowers over a couple of weeks, extending the bloom period of the plant. This species is equally easy and adaptable as anomala.
These 2 (or 1 if you prefer) were the first species for which I obtained seed and had success with. They used to be my earliest peonies to flower... How naive I was, then. (okay, still am but that's a different story)
Friday, June 08, 2007
More peonies of course
Thursday, June 07, 2007
A couple of green flowers, and one to be green about
Green flowers were all the rage a few years ago. I don't know if they still are, but as usual I lag the trends when I'm not way ahead of leading them...
Arisaema amurense, one of the oriental relatives of our native Jack-in-the-Pulpit; the oriental ones usually go by the common name of Cobra Lilies. Clean, simple lines. (and apparently unable to decide how many leaflets make up a leaf)
Better known, the Stinking Hellebore Helleborus foetidus. Well, it doesn't stink noticeably to me, but maybe a field full of them would? The first photo is of a new flower which has not yet been pollinated.
The second is of a couple of older flowers which were pollinated a while back; note the ovaries in the middle and the absence of pollen and anthers, which have fallen off.
The third photo shows flowers in both stages, side view. The apparent petals are actually sepals, the actual petals of the flower are small things which fall out of the flower when the anthers go.
The Rhododendron hybrid cultivar 'Vinecrest'. In its parentage are R. fortunei which is a large tree-forming species, and an early-blooming small-leaf dwarf type from which the yellow flowers come. Fragrant too, with gorgeous constantly changing hues of salmoney-apricot (not a lunch recipe! although maybe... hmmm, I wonder...) buds seeen at the bottom of the photo, to fragrant soft yellow blooms. It is the earliest of the my large-leaf Rhodos to flower by a long shot, and gets its size from the tree side of the parentage. Definitely worth seeking out.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
more from the wittmaniana group
More new openings
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Expectations unmet
The plant of Paeonia steveniana which last year bore a flower with a fine red line around the rim, has now opened.
Whether due to the move or the new location or just the maturing of the plant, the red rim is disappointingly missing this year, although there is a bit of reddish veining to the petals which gives the flower a bit of a tawny tinge. Maybe next year, once it is re-
And here, a group of 4 steveniana in the display bed.
Also on the theme of unmet expectations (aka don't count your peony buds until they open), the single bud of Paeonia emodi has aborted and will not open this year.
Also on the theme of unmet expectations (aka don't count your peony buds until they open), the single bud of Paeonia emodi has aborted and will not open this year.
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